6th Avenue Gentlemens Club



796 Lafayette Avenue, Terre Haute, IN 47807


39.4829167, -87.4055939




8am – 8pm


8am – 8pm


8am – 8pm


8am – 8pm


8am – 8pm


10am – 7pm


10am – 7pm


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83 reviews for “6th Avenue Gentlemens Club

  1. brandon Jacob starr

    Have not been there yet but I’m thinking of giving it a try

  2. Hiphugger is open!

    I just got off the phone with them!

  3. Lesley

    The way Rick is going he might as well put Dan R and the DJ on stage. They would make more tips then any of those nasty girls.

  4. phil

    this place is a joke! malibu and cherry offered me drugs while giving me a private dance! then offered to prostitute thereselves after strip club closed. i heard there both on crack and have diseases they cant get rid of! so beware!

  5. stephen

    this place makes a hole in the wall look good

  6. brandy

    Sixth aveue is the coolest place to hang out in this shitty town

  7. Donkey Penis McGee

    Somebody you love has tasted my nuts. So eat them nuts, now.

  8. Willy Fisterbottum

    Staff was very friendly with exception of blonde bartender who had a crappy attitude. drinks were reasonably priced. As far as sound system was great but DJ sounds like he is trying to deep throat the mic, also great variety of music. I only did VIP dance with 1 dancer named selena but it was the bomb best I’ve had in my 30 plus years of visiting Gentlemans clubs.

  9. Mark the (Not So) Gay DJ

    It’s the start of another wild week here at 6th Ave. The college kids are trickling back into town as summer winds down, and soon clubgoers will be facing a deluge of new students falling madly in love with our dozen dirty dancers.

    Some misguided soul suggests below that the girls could be less than beautiful. How utterly untrue! Our ladies are stunning, and there’s someone for everyone.

    You’ve got Cherry, our unofficial public relations gal on this site and the seasoned professional blonde bombshell who puts on an athletic, gravity-defying performance on the pole whether there’s 10 guys in the club or a thousand.

    You have Cami, the walking embodiment of sun and fun, all tan and taut and blonde.

    You have Sissy, the wild woman with the smoky laugh and the evil grin, who shredded her stockings onstage in a hot set dancing to Led Zep last weekend.

    You have Renee, all country charm and raucous redneck rocking onstage.

    You’ve got Star, all sloe-eyed and slim, wicked and angular.

    You have Selena of the fishnet shirts and tan lines that are virtually a force of nature.

    You’ve got Brittany, all buxom and blonde, constantly smiling, the girl next door.

    You’ve got Tease, ebony and raw, doing more for the 4:4 beat than anybody since George Clinton released his last record.

    You’ve got Lacey, slim and with stunning eyes – the kind poets used to say could stare deep into the soul.

    You’ve got Molly, now retired, all curly hair and bubby personality.

    You’ve got Rachel, statuesque and sexy, donning a pink-and-white Colts jersey to remind locals the Superbowl Champs are in town…

    And you have the lovely, ethereal Infinity, walking classily onstage like she walked off of a yacht, or some Milan catwalk somewhere, all warm, kind and classic.

    To our critics: Sorry if you think some of the music we play sucks. It’s actually a nice mix of rock, rap, country and dance music. Stick around a while and you’ll find songs you love, or better still, suggest a song to the dancers or DJs. The playlist is always changing and we aim to spin the sexiest songs around, keeping you installed and enthralled as you tip our lovely dancers.

    Don’t forget! We’re here Tuesday through Saturday! Come out tonight and party with us!

    Oh…just to clear up one other false claim: Danny the veteran DJ and his lovely wife? They’re definitely NOT gay.

    But that other loser, the new DJ, Mark? The hippie dude dressed in black, with the long, messed up hair? Man, I can tell you…I know that jerkoff personally and he’s NOT gay.

    Is he a total loser who couldn’t get a girl to touch him if he covered himself in Prada bags, Mahlo Blanik shoes, dollar bills and Godiva chocolates? Absolutely! I’m sure every woman on the planet keeps hoping someday he’ll decide he LOVES the cock so he’ll stop annoying them with his pathetic attempts to hit on them.

    Rumor has it he’s hung like an angry pimple, he lasts five seconds on his best days, and if he turned gay, it’d only prove he’s completely unappealing to both genders. I hear he even has to get his left hand drunk to get it to do anything and his right hand just wants to stay friends.

    So yeah, screw the new DJ, that worthless wanker! And I hear he’s an utter egomaniac, too…what a tool!

  10. amy
  11. OMEN
  12. q

    Can you believe that this place is so bad that Dan was caught sellin dope and went to jail. Im sure Rick was behind it all to they just need to close this nasty place down 4 real.

  13. dave

    I came thru town on business and didnt expect much However!!

    The girls were not bad looking and the drinks were cheap. No cover charge and friendly dancers. Was a mid size dark club 70’s style and had a decent private room.

  14. sunny
  15. Me
  16. bee
  17. Ronnie

    Wow I have never been in a gentlemans club where I felt that I could get more for a drink or some drugs than I could with a 100$ I think this place doubles as a half way house. I don’t recall the tall blondes name but I hope she gets out of there before she becomes one of those other creatures that would be such a waste. I won’t be back but judge for yourself.

  18. Ben Dover

    I was there Wensday night and had a great time Got a couple or lap dances from a new red headed hottie was worth every penny everyone should go in and take her for a test drive and some of the other girls good time nice polite girls over all good experince…. Will Be Back

  19. Bryan

    I’ve never seen so many bad attitudes and drug problems in my life.

    Give these girls some money so they can buy themselves some personalities and liposuction!

  20. anup
  21. jon

    i think the girls need to go back to the zoo

  22. nice

    its a good time

  23. ben

    this place was nasty

  24. Brandon

    These girls are either old and ugly or young and diseased.

    either way they are all crancked up and will do you in anyway you want, just make sure you are protected in all ways.

    Gook Luck Guys!



  26. hater

    nasty meth whores

  27. bob
  28. nunya

    music sucks, the djs gay, and the girls are disgusting.

  29. Ex-Dancer

    I use to work there, I know what happens in the back. WARNING: Attend and Dance there at your own risk.

  30. JB

    This place sucks

  31. Rick

    Worst club EVER

  32. M&J

    my husband and I were at the club on may 3rd. There is a dancer that used to work there we really liked, her name is Renea. But since she isnt there anymore we left.Does anyone know if shes dancing anywhere else? And why she isnt there anymore? And Most of the girls there look like their in their teens, how old do you have to be to dance there?Thanks!

  33. Disappointed

    This club was very nasty. The girls were disgusting. They looked worse than the hookers you might pick up in an alley. Although I do have to say that there was one dancer that was gorgeous. Her name was Malibu. What are you doing in a dump like that honey. You should be a model.

  34. Star

    i’m star a dumb whore who works at the club and doesnt know how to please a man i’m a money hungry crackhead who sucks cherrys cunt on a regular basis. i gave mchenzie herpes so bad her pussy swelled up and she quit. and i’m giving away butt sex for $5 a guy in the back alley so long as you are black or have a meth connection. ha ha ha fuck you stupid cunts. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

  35. ann
  36. I Can Has Cheezburger?

    I had a lovely discussion of Sarte’s existentialism with two of the fine young ladies in this club, as well as a heated debate over Andy Warhol’s nihlism at the center of his art and the intrinsic misuse of Nietschze’s writings not as a means of self-actualization (as he intended) but rather as an occasion to excuse how one commits grievous harm to others. We spoke admiringly of how few people understand Hunter S. Thompson’s work to be a satire of how the 1960s went wrong, and instead take it as a rampant endorsement of drug use. Next, we discussed whether a Hillary/Obama ticket would truly be the way for the Democrats to go in 2008. Should Gore enter the race, we predicted, all bets are indeed off but a female/black ticket in any combination would be a tough combination to beat for anyone aside from Rudy Guiliani, whose political star is admittedly fading. From there, we discussed the curative powers of wasabi versus the risk of trichnominosis from raw sushi, and then determined that the probable invention of an alternative fuel source – perhaps derived from ethyl alcohol or grains – would be the way to alleviate the present socioeconomic tensions associated with fossil fuel consumption. From there, a lovely brunette whose breasts, I am sure, are authentic issued forth with a declamatory deconstruction of Thomas Pynchon’s “The Crying of Lot 49” suggesting that, per her reader-response critique of the text, the lot of stamps – signifying tariffs and the conflict between the old world and new – coupled with the Beatle-esque and omnipresent pop group signify an Anglophilia on the part of the author which sublimely manifests itself. I was pleased to agree, and added that the role of the exotic dancer actually dates back to Sumerian times with the myth of the goddess Inanna, who removed one article of clothing at each gate of Hell, and who left the Earth barren during her time in the Underworld. When she returned, the earth sprang into flower, paving the way for millennia of dancers who aroused the passions of the men of the tribe in a fertility rite. Then we debated the existence of an omnipotent being and decided that yes, essence must precede existence.

    And then I saw me some nice titty. Yee-haw.

  37. Scott

    Great club! Keep up the good work!!

  38. Four New Girls

    We just hired four girls that worked at Hip Hugger in Kokomo before it closed. Nice girls.

  39. Danny Fan

    I love that wacky goateed DJ from the 6th Avenue. He is one fine hunka man and I hear, like LifeSavers, his semen comes in five flavors. I hear every woman he sleeps with has a permanent echoing gap in her pussy forevermore afterwards. I hear that he turns lesbians into nymphos for man choad. I hear he is the reincarnation of some obscure Greek god of lust and nasty bits. Go Dan you sexy DJ man you!

  40. ok
  41. Jesus

    cripes what a lousy fuckin club. shitty bar in a shitty neighborhood. overprice drinks. dancers all look like theyre on something or some biker chicks.

  42. billy

    ive seen better girls at any club i have been to, i will not be back to see those nasty old grandmas.

  43. M

    My only complaint about the club is the owner, who is very mercenary. This weekend, I was there from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. I paid a $3 cover, bought six beers for myself ($18) plus three beers, two Sprites and a whiskey for two dancers ($20+) plus three lapdances at $20 each ($60) so I spent $101 over 5 hours (average of $20 per hour) and yet the guy got on my case when I spent 20 minutes at the bar discussing ISU with a former student. “Buy more drinks or leave” he said. Excuse me? I said. “We’ve been watching you and it’s been a while since you bought a drink. We have entertainment here.” Right. We’d been there 20 minutes talking – I was trying to sober up a bit from six beers in four hours – and that’s why I paid the $3 cover and the $60 for three lapdances, $15 of which went to the club. If he’d stop being so greedy the place would be pretty cool. As it is, the only reason I’ll go back is that some of the dancers are friends of mine. He’s real high pressure on the “buy! buy! buy!” and is cutting off his nose to spite his face with some of us.

  44. Gary

    This place fuckin blows!!! Those are some raggedy ass bitches! Bad attitudes and worse dances!! Don’t waste your money!!!

  45. Rare Visitor
  46. Jay


  47. Pissed

    This place was such shit!!11!

  48. Cherry

    Personally, i like my work place. The girls and the rest of the staff are like my second family. People that make all the bad comments dont understand that what we do is very hard work. body wise and mind. It takes a strong minded woman to do our job!! not everyone could do it. Thank you to all my fans… We have a great group of girls that are not strung out on any drugs. come see us!! Cherry

  49. Mark the DJ

    As far as whether I wrote the post under “I Can Has Cheezburger?” on 8/30…no, of course not. I mean, I’m from southern Indiana, and I went to ISU, remember? Don’t you know I cannot read nor write? I dropped out of 3rd grade last year, and I’m in my 30s. All the same, somebody once told me I was illiterate, and I got angry and punched them because I know my Mom and Dad were married when I was born. (All those nasty rumors about my Mom saying “Son, one of 10 men I used to know would be very proud of you” when I got my doctorate? Totally untrue. And that time my friend told me my cousin the actress was a thespian? I kicked his ass and told him no she wasn’t, cause she likes guys.) Ok…actually, I did write that stuff 8/30. And the ironic thing? People won’t believe I actually have those intellectual conversations with a few of the dancers, some of whom are scarily smart. No shit. I actually had a serious, deep conversation about macroeconomics and their implications upon international relations with one of the girls whom I would totally be falling for if she wasn’t interested in somebody else, just based upon how intellectual she is. But then, I’m weird. A cute girl with brains who’s independent and capable of holding actual conversation makes me melt like butter. Anyway, cameltoe…oh ye of the frontal wedgie…who are you? Because, you know, as my old penpal Lisa Crystal Carver the author once said “Drugs are nice…” but diseases, not so much. Diseases? That’s just nasty…James, if you think the girls aren’t hot, you’re blind. Go see an optometrist immediately. Or perhaps consider batting for the other team. As far as the music? I think it’s actually pretty good…and my tastes are so weird that if they can please me, they can please anybody. Last few bands on my IPod: Gillian Welch, “Time (The Revelator)” Nine Inch Nails, “Get Down, Make Love,” Prince, “Fury,” Sahara Hotnights, “Alright Alright (Here’s My Fist, Where’s the Fight?); Nouvelle Vague, “Too Drunk to Fuck,” Cab Calloway, “Minnie the Moocher,” Black Flag “TV Party” and Emmylou Harris, “Leaving Louisiana.” If I’m OK with the music, as obscure as my taste is, you have nothing to gripe about. Anyway. It’s the start of another week at 6th Avenue and we are inclined to rock you like a hurricane, so get your bad selves down here for hot girls, cold liquor and the spin cycles of DJ Dan. You cannot resist us. It is useless to try. You know it to be true. We rock.

  50. Mary

    Some of The ladies were good i thought. There was 1 i really liked. And We will come back.Id like to see her again. As for the bar, It looked clean to us.

  51. dan

    nasty nasty what more can i say

  52. Jeff

    Just left about 30 min ago been reading about club the past week went to west T first girls hotter but snotty. Girls at 6 not snotty just desperate great place for lonely old desperate men who get rejected by their own hand. If you ever want to buy someone a drink just because you feel generous then this is the place to be because alcohol talks more than money. Also I may suggest going to the bathroom before you go I’ve been in nicer porta potties.

  53. blondie


  54. f -word

    The cop are watching this place I was pulled over as soon as I left Friday night To bad for the cop i was drinking red bull all night FUCK YOU PIGS !!!

  55. all the dancers......

    get your facts straight shit for brains! you dont have a clue about any of our lives. your just guessing at some gossip that ooozed from your pea size brain… your just a shit talker with no real words!! stay out of our bar we dont need you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C._____ lol!

  56. N/A

    Old Crank Heads and Young Meth Heads.

    Druggie Sluts and Nasty Hoe’s.



  58. curious

    what is so bad about this club? it seemed ok to me.

  59. oo
  60. customer

    thats pretty bad when i saw the best 2 girls that work here at koyote last night tryin out jj and angel but they said that they werent gonna hire them.

  61. Mike

    This place sucks, The girls suck. The only good thing about this club is when when the girls get you off for $1 or $5. and they do whatever they want and the bouncers and doorman just turns their heads.

  62. ????

    Yell Yeah,

    I got two of the girls to go home with me last night and they even shared some of the Crack and Meth with me. Oh we got so hammered.

  63. tom

    the girls wont talk to you til you force money in their face. if you don’t they sit with their boyfriends. The owner is a fucking nut, and the security guy is always sleeping on his stool. As for the music? My god, its so lame, and its nothing like normal strip club music, nothing that rocks at all. And on top of it all the dj sounds like a fag squirrel on crack and he has nothing to say other than .. “That was Cherry, up next to the stage .. Jackie.. nothing else. Thats not a dj thats a jukebox, a broken one at that!

  64. petter

    good club to hang out

  65. Unlucky trip

    Okay, I thought I’d ignore the naysayers and try it out, here is my review after a Thursday night. There wasn’t much variety tonight, so I’m hoping for the locals that things are better on the weekend.

    1. The place looks kind of scary. No parking lot, you have to park on a side street to get there, luckily its not a horrible part of town, but the building looks a bit creepy.

    2. Walk in, no cover, great!

    3. Dancers, I realize everyone has there tastes, so I’ll be as objective as possible:

    Cherry: Appears to be in mid to upper 40’s, disconcerting for someone younger. She has a very well kept body, however, kudos.

    Two cute faced, but large girls.

    One girl with a fantastic body, but not so pretty face, and some teether issues.

    One girl that is very tall, over 6′, but probably only weighs 80 lbs. Very skeletal, the bikini top actually made a dent where breasts should be.

    A couple of girls that had obviously been pregnant before, and had the breast sag and stomach sag.

    4. I got a dance from a girl that was wearing a pantsuit, and she turned out to be in the saggy after pregnancy category. Her dance began immediately with shoving her bikini covered pussy in my face. Unfortunately, it smelled rather foul, and thing did not improve when she started rubbing her ass-crack up and down my nose. Luckily I had started mid-song, so things ended quickly.

    5. I left. Went back to my hotel, and scrubbed my face with anti-bacterial soap.

    My after-thoughts:

    this place has a lot of girls for varieties of tastes, but for the “usual” stripper pictured in movies and such, each girl had a “but”. Great body, but… or great face, but…

  66. oooo
  67. mark
  68. Bill

    never go back.

  69. jim

    the girls were not atractive by any means.

  70. Candy_Girl

    I love this club and miss it very much!!! I miss all the girls like cherry, brittney, selena, jj, angel, fantasy, and the bartenders…o0o yea cant forget dj danny!!! This club was an awesome place to work…i loved the working enviorment…the girls are not nasty by any means if you get to know some of them you would be surprised…are really sweet and down to earth…i dont know who could ever talk bad about these girls but if you do then maybe you shouldnt go back…for those of you that go in there and tip my girls keep it going!!! that all for me…maybe you’ll see oll Candy girl back in there soon…woooowee girl out!!!lol

  71. james

    The girls r nasty & the dj sucks no good music at all,they also had a bad atmosphere.

  72. Joe

    Selena and Buffy are the best! Thanks for the Double dances I will definately be back to see you two again! what nights do you guys work

  73. Dobbins

    Celina – utter cunt with fake boobs whos married to doorman. Foxie – stoned ho will do anything for cocaine. Melyssa – nice, got a good boddy. Buffy – another snobby cunt not worth the money. Ciara – stoned, has several kids and a baby pouch. Kenda – money grubbing whore. Trixie – sexy but nuts, airhead think she’s marryed. Sugar – nice body no complaints. Savanna – Ciara’s sister big ho with babies like her sis. Cherry – worth a dance but old! Cissy – older, crazy, not there as much. Bubbles – fucking some dude in ballcap. None of them compare 2 koyote. DJ is a big fag, other DJ is a fat dumb cockscuker who won’t play good music bouncer falls aslseep and rich is a psycopath whose girl laure has his nuts in a vise.

  74. krystall

    all the girls r ugly nasty infested whores

  75. CRITIC

    These bitches stink!

  76. john

    it sucks .

  77. charly
  78. Gary & Bev

    We visited club last Fri. We enjoyed our selves overall girls were attractive my husbands favorites were I believe there names are Serena & Marissa if I have the names wrong I apoligize. I liked the fact that there was a very handsome & polite gentleman at the door he welcomed us in and thanked us on our way out. The restrooms however could use some work and the music was a little loud for our liking but the younger crowd seemed to enjoy it. Overall we would recommend stopping in if your in the area not much else to do in terraHaute as far as adult entertainment.

  79. it's a very friendly bar

    The bar itself isnt much to look at but it’s just like the saying “A little rough around the edges.” The two young bartenders are AWESOME! There is a very big variety of girls. Something for everyone! It’s an all around friendly bar. I like it!

  80. ?

    Mark do you have 2to write a book everytime you talk on this no one reads it except the girls are you that retarted.Yes the music does suck when you have to wait until after 12:00 to listen to any good music and when you start to have a good time and holla at the girls you get kicked out. The owner kicked a guy out the other day for not buyin a drink when he paid the fee to get in so keep rhymin and have a good time with your guy!!!!!!!

  81. a
  82. Who is John Galt?

    Eyes like embers, lips pursed like a pause on the end

    Of some perpetual question or some arcane foreign curse

    Every night with you was like pretending to pretend

    And waiting to see which one of us would break first

    But the daylight shows you pretty without your make-up

    In some ragged shirt in some ancient plastic booth

    So if we never go to sleep then how the hell do we wake up?

    We never tell ourselves lies, so why can’t we see truth?

    Don’t ask important questions, Irish Red,

    Because we don’t have answers.

    Or at least that’s what they’d like you to believe

    You wander around inside of my head

    You waste all your second chances

    And yet it’s still always you I’m waiting here to see

    Time is an abstract, age is a number

    Act like you know and don’t make me wonder

    Just kiss me like you mean it

    You say you don’t need it

    But you don’t act like you believe it.

    This strange spell we were both under

    Ninety-nine percent wouldn’t even come close

    Ninety-nine percent would be an inadequate dose

    And I’m sorry I’m not what you expected

    But you might as well stand corrected

    If you think I’m not mostly what you want

    But tonight I’m burning cigarettes and memories

    And drinking down regrets and praying litanies

    Though there is no salvation

    In this strange darkened nation

    The lights are down, they’re all lost in fantasies

    I sit around caught up in these bleak reveries

    And I could leave tonight, but I got nowhere else to be

    You’re all strawberry and cream, immaculate dirty dream

    I got you on my mind and my heart on my sleeve

    I got no plans for tomorrow and nothing to believe

    And I could see you tonight, but you got someone else to be

  83. Jesus Marimba

    This club eases the pain of the strong likelihood that I will, in fact, die a virgin, and would only be so much more enjoyable were I only actually to bring money to tip dancers and buy drinks.

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