1127 North Frontage Road, Billings, MT 59101
45.798831, -108.4572
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
10am – 7pm
10am – 7pm
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that would look a bit suspicious after burning Desperados to the ground allready. He got away with it once but twice might raise an eyebrow or two
This site is complete bullshit.Everytime I go to Planet I have a great time.If you choose to sit at the bar more than likely you are going to hear about the drama because from what I have seen the bartenders hate the dancers and they hate the customers.They complain about having to make drinks but they are FUCKING BARTENDERS!I choose to give my money to the waitress and stay in the back.The place could be nicer but I allways have a decent time here.
Can say that the time i spent here sucked. Girls were not happy. but after reading how bad this place is i guess i don’t blame them.
Wasn’t to bad
The drama between the staff is enough to drive most anyone out of here and if that doesn’t work the bad dancers and their lame ass drama will! Skip this dump!
Well its not total bullshit cause just agreed to some of the shit that goes on. I can’t stand the punks they let in this place. A drunk ass hole can get away with a lot in this club. Any other place in billings up would be out on your ass or the cops called. Not a fun place to sit back and have a couple of drinks
They get what they deserve. A bunch of little bitches and a worthless bar staff. The place is a shit hole. It used to be a decent place but it is nothing but drama, drunks and unhappy, unpleasant people. Sad really
A wonderful club. The women are beautiful and very talented. Lap dances are well worth the money. All around this is the best strip club in the area. I will be back.
Actually they just really need to hire a REAL manager that and have staff that isn’t complete drunks. That would be a start
Bla Bla Bla! This is the best club in thr area.
Thats so fucking funny!!
OMG! Never thought I’d find this caliber of talent in MT. Plus it’s all nude and up close and personal. Another plus, I think the last night I went the ratio of men to women was about 50:50, not dancers or employees. PATRONS!! I guess it’s a popular “jump start” joint.
I find it humorous that Trina lectures and threatens, but yet she doesn’t set a good example when she is half in the bag most of the time. Then she expects the employees to follow drinking rules? Not to mention her little “pet” shy does whatever she wants. She acts like she runs the place, when half the people around want to slap the bitch. Trina and Shy will sure have fun when they are the only 2 employees left. If I was the guy she was trying to press charges against, well, next time hit her harder as I am sure she more than deserved it. For any that have heard the way she runs her mouth you will completey agree.
Had a good time here! good club!
God i love this place!
The only thing worth a shit about this place is the full bar, but thats not enough to make it worth going. Stay away its a dump
Awesome club. Mary can really rough you up. Mindy is nice, slow & sexy & Lami is just down right beautiful & Talon can really rock the pole, strength, flexiblity, grace & a natural ability to entertain. It seemed that many of the other girls were striving to be what these four ladies were but they just can’t quite make the cut. I will definatley be back when I am in the area again.
Drama central
I would agree with bender! The girls are so HOT! But the rap music was very very bad! Still twice as good as Shotguns!!
Ya i would agree with the place is a dump and they let any asshole in this place
Had a fucking wild time here! I’ll be back for sure!
Girls girls girls….Allure is my favorite coworker at the Planet. She’s Hot, one of the best dancers i know. She always makes me laugh and she is so sweet! I have met alot of dancers but she is exceptionally fun to work with. To the girls that wanna talk shit- get a clue! Grow up and do ur job instead of bein on here hatin all the time.
Won’t be coming back here. Wow the attitudes
So to the manager, making fun of your dancers is very immmature of you. Especially doing so while feeding one of your underagers alcohol. Between the two of you it felt like I was in junior high. Very unbecoming of a manager. How exactly does one become a manager of beautiful women when you are such an ugly hag? I guess what I hear is right. You ARE letting a child lead you. I was there undercover and you just made a A VERY BIG MISTAKE!
Allure we still lover you. Its to bad your stuck working with a couple of dumb cunts, but i,m sure they’ll move on they always do. As far as hammey goes, we’ll he’s not even worth writing about!
Your right. Hopefully she is on the way out the door, but at least she isn’t so obnoxious now that she knows 99% of the people that work here and visit this club despise her. If I knew so many people hated me, I would no longer be there. At least she isn’t trying to spread her infection around to the other dancers now hence the REAL reason she quit dancing.
yeah baby yeah
um been to shotgun’s latley little man? they have some down right hot ladies dancing. don’t worry though they won’t laugh at your little penis.
I tell myself everytime i’m never coming back. Then i hope they’ve changed here and find its only gotten worse!
Hit both clubs last night this one was pack and everyone was having a great time. The other was dead and little people that was there looked bored.
This place is not worth the drive, time nor cover. Bitchy dancers, lousy service, shitty music & atmoshpere. Won’t be back.
Had a great evening out there with my wife. Dancers were friendly, most showed enthusiasm for doing a show with a few putting on a great show. Staff were exceptional and service was great. Our third trip to Planet Lockwood and we’ll go back the next time in town.
I’ve seen some bad clubs in my day but this one is in the top 5. They let every fallen down drunk scum bag in this place and don’t do shit about it! I want to go back and throw twinkies at that lazy bouncer lol
i was not impressed w/ the overall cleanliness of the building .i felt like i needed a tetnis shot after bein there. the girls were below average and not very classy or entertaining. the dj /music was great though.
say aye!
the girls are not unhappy because of Hammy, trust me i could name plenty
other “Staff” that loves to piss down the girls legs every chance they get. and
this place never changes. it is the same dramas just different people going
through them. none of us are whores and all of us can have a bad day, we are
not robots. i have pulled plenty of my costumers out of a bad mood and they
have done the same for as well. either way quit being so damn rude, here or
anywhere. lifes too short to be pissed off all the time and try to constantly
keep people down. i think we have a good thing going at Planet, just some
people dont see how great they can be, negativity is the devil, and im learning
that myself. So please dont be so damn hateful anymore
This place is wild. I hear they have a new house mom that is cleaning house and she has done a fabulous job with taking out the ugly girls. Way to go!!!!
Strip clubs are really all about the girls. And they are stunning at PL, and especially so for Montana. What else really matters besides the naked babes? This club’s rating would be off the charts if so many bitter and now-fired former dancers hadn’t posted ZERO ratings to drag it down. Yeah the building is a dump, but what can you do with a 60 yr. old Chinese restaurant and a local government that won’t let you move or rebuild? When’s the last time you hit a club staffed with sows because you liked the building? And, hey, the chicks in this dump are way hot!
A year ago this was the top rated club in the state and now you are second to last.For Gods sakes hire a fucking plumber and fix the place up a little bit.Some new lights,some new furniture,and it not smell like year old piss would be a good start.Most of the dancers are fantastic but you have a couple that shouldnt even be turning tricks at the truck stop.This place would be such an easy fix if you could get the owner to do anything but it still smells like piss since the last time I was here a month ago.I will come back because it is usually a fun place but somebody please DO SOMETHING!
Well whatever is going on you can sure tell the dancers aren’t happy anymore.
He’ll just run it to the ground. Hell everything thats in that place is used shit from the last bar he had. Even the Tin! Thats how cheap he is! What i just can’t believe is the few good girls they do have( house girls) would stay working in a place this bad. Its makes you look desprate and nasty, but i know your not except Scarlett. Dump Jim on his cheap ass and move on and let Hammey and Deano sink with him since they had a hand in bringing the club to this low level.
Love this club! so much better than shotties!
Had a blast out here!! Thanks to all the dancers and staff!!!!!!!
The girls are somken hot for a Montana club. Yea the building isn’t the best, but from what i’ve notice, all the clubs in the area are like that.
If your in Billings and have to go somewhere, internet porn is a better option. The wait staff was great but this one dancer was a piece of work. The private dances were a waste of money. I should have known better when I was asked to pay up front. If you do go here “look but don’t touch” the girls lead you to believe it’s ok but then you’re asked to leave. This place makes Boise (must be covered) look like Vegas.
I will never go back to Planet Lockwood.
Service sucks and some of the dancers are real bitches. Whatever was going on the other night, something to do with panties. You really shouldn’t complain about it to customers. Take it up with management cause the girl you was accusing got all my money. i don’t like girls that try to damage the rep of other dancers. poor attitude got you none of my money.
The place is a dump and the staff all need to be let go! Get some people who want to be there!
My wife and i come here all the time. Great place, super nice girls, full bar is a bonus, and its close by. Its also nice to see bouncers that keep the drunks in check, instead of one lonely DJ trying to do everthing.
outstanding talent and beauty!
I’ll never be back what a nasty nasty hole!!!!!
The Girls were gorgeous! Wow!
I have to say that “Jamie is one of the hottest girls I have ever seen. I came in on a wednesday night(5-23-07) with a couple of friends and I have to say that she took my breath away. She is a class act inside and out!!!!!!
This place sucks…the only good part are the after hours specials
Very good club…stout drinks…awesome dj…lots of fun…girls are beautiful, there is one for everyone’s type…
Wow! Is all I have to say, this is an awesome place to hangout, the women are all goregeous and polite. Not to mention the talent these ladies have! 10 all the way.
This place smelled like sewer so bad last night i could only stomach 2 beers and had to leave. Doesn’t the health inspectors ever check this place out?
I feel sorry for the dancers. The money was bad before this mess happened and now its much worse. They are stuck working with Scarlett the whore and her boy toy, who just happens to DJ there(Chas)when thats against house rules! To top if off Hammy has got to be the laziest fucker i have ever seen.
I have been to much better clubs. I did meet one nice dancer there. Jamie was worth the time and money, but she was the only one I can say that about.
To bad Gary is just a drunk asshole. Thats the only time i’ve seen a dancer get bitchy
this place is fallng down. won’t be too long before the roof caves in. someone should really call osha. the girls are all right but yeah it is more convenient for a strip club
Place is 100 times better now that Shye is gone!! They could still put some money back into the place!
Showed up and this place was so dead the dancers didn’t start dancing until 9! talk a bout a shit hole to go withn it!! Stay way from here spend your money some where else!
Maybe I got spoiled in Western Washington. The girls prefered to disregard the customers and sit by themselves, there wasn’t any talent anywhere to be noticed, the one that actually did speak was up front about wanting money. The sound system was too loud for the small number of people present. There isn’t any point in wasting money on cover and drinks at this dump.
Wow had a great time at this club.
Thanx Reggie,glad you had a good time.Everyones so negative on this site all the time ,its nice to actually get a compliment.Anyways,cya next time!
Its all true about this place being a dunp and ran by a slum lord!
Why doesn’t the owner just burn this place to the ground
this place sucks. crappy lighting, bitchy dancers, drunk bartenders, shitty music. skip it
all the girls but one were way over the thick side when i was out here and ya whats up with the smell out here?
I find it funny how many of you fools act like you give a shit about Jamies being in ICU for overdose. Shy hates jamie but acts like she truelly cares. previous guest is right though the manager and a few others really made an ass of themselves making fun of all the dancers. I over heard them about Mary, Jamie, Rumor, Brooke the list goes on. Take a look at yourselves before trashing your talent. Shy excluded she has no talent.
This place is a shit hole. With bitchy women not to mention lazy! I think I saw a roach run by to
I love Planet. I work there from time to time and I actually prefer to socialize with the customer that are older than 22. I think that you were there on a bad night. Yes, some girls target younger guys mainly but, some of us know that things get better with age like a fine wine. Please come in again and see if your view changes.
The chick bartender was wasted.Listening to her bitch about customers and employees was not what i came here for.Made me feel sorry for the other people that work there.
This club will start rockin again now that the drama queen has QUIT! Shye’s gone! Never seen so many people happy to see one person quit. Myself included. I love going to Planet, but if that bitch was there I wouldn’t stay very long. Nice and peaceful now.
This was a really fun club. Customers can’t touch and that’s how it should be. If you want more than a dance, you should be in a whore house, not a strip club. The cocktail waitresses are cute but lazy. They don’t do anything but sit on their butts and talk.
Most of these girls are attractive and nice when I visit, but I was surprised to see a couple girls who havent seen a gym for years if ever. For the most part these ladies give a great performance if they are properly motivated. A few can actually dance and perform better then any strippers I have seen in other states. The atmosphere & look of this club is 1 of the worst I have ever seen.
shows what little you know. place is full of trash. take a good long look around you.
Yes the owner should spend some money on this place, But the lady’s are the best and worth stopping in 4!
The girls are all friendly babes–no trailer trash. Many do monster pole tricks. Allure has the biggest firmest real boobs anywhere. Rumor is a world class beauty, and Lamai is a 3rd world class beauty. Natalie is a dazzling road girl. The cocktails are babes too, and quick. Not much hip hop music anymore, hallelujah. Great club, especially for MT!
You came to early. It’s not going to be packed at 6pm. It was busy later and let’s not forget the monster truck show was last night and Planet is next door.
I came out here after reading all this crap and wow its all true. The bartender was a total asshole!
i second that.
Ya Allure was good but it felt like i was getting a lap dance in the bathroom!! No disrespect to the dancer just the club!
Ya its all true! This place is a dump! I know I worked there! Jim doesn’t fix shit
this place sux ass
Think I need a shot after walking through the doors of this
rat hole. Ever hear of cleaning supplies? remodeling? If I
were one of these dancers I would not want to be strutten
around this place naked….gross! Heading to get a shot now!
The lies you tell are getting old. No one posted a comment about you smoking crack. Why do you make up such lies? To get attention? Seriously, can you ever just shut the fuck up? I have never met anyone so desperate for attention. You make us all look bad!
she is trashy enough to give lap dances in the bathroom. they all are
Yes the drama with Shy is past old. Why don’t you all just ignore the immature little brat? That’s what I do when I go to the club. She is an annoyance to everyone but if you just ignore her she goes away. About the crack I wouldn’t be surprised if she did smoke it. She only hangs out with some of the biggest drug dealers in Billings.
this straight out of a skanks mouth! you are one that makes everyone unhappy you dumb bitch
I can not believe the dirt bags they let in this place!! What in the hell is up with the staff here?
Well i hate to be negative but this place has let its self go! The bathrooms never work and the place smells like a shitter! I even heard one of the dancers saying that their dressing room has mold on floor from where the roof has leaked for years. So again I hate to be negative but what the fuck is up with the people who own or run this dump?
Would have to agree this place has turned into a real shit hole! Most of the staff sucks as well
God dam i just can’t believe how bad this place has gotten! What a waste of what use to be a good thing
Wow girls are fucking hot here! Thanks Cleo for all the rock music your a classy gal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This place is always a good time, whenever me and my buds are looking for a good time the planet is one of the first places that comes to mind. The dancers are great although sundays and mondays are usually pretty lame. The staff is excellent except for the bald guy that bartends he comes across as a douche but so far i’ve had a great time everytime i’ve been there deffinetly recommend the place.
Yes the dancers usually do cater to the young kids. That has always been the case at this club. From the music to talking it’s all about that genre. I personally only come here cause it’s close to home. My neighborhood bar if you will. I don’t go to the back I just hang at the bar, mainly for that reason.
out of here. the house girls treat the road girls like shit. too bad really. i can do without their drama and won’t be back. i was here a few months back and the nightmares of their shit is still with me. allure is a total 2 faced back stabbing little bitch. under that pretty face is the spawn of satan. watch out for her.
Slum lord cheap fucker!!!
look forward to my next return. unbelievable quality of girls, especially laura “allure”. however, get three songs, one is just absolutely not enough.
Ya what a fricken joke this dump is!
This place caters to young punks. Uncomfortable if your not 22 or younger. Rap music or metal. Great for the big partiers but just to have a couple drinks after a long day not the place to be. Pretty girls but they hang on those young boys
Fuck this place sucks!!
and yet all this hostility and no name to go with it. and if i was the root to all your problems and bad moods you little bitches should stand up for yourselves and tell me. HA!
don’t waste your time or money. girls are trash talking bitches, just cutting one another down. bartender was too drunk to do her job. cocktail down right lazy. overall a very disappointing experience.
Well she is queen of the castle now isn’t she? You are just now catching on that this bitch is all talk? She has always talked a lot of shit about everyone. That is never going to change. What will change is if you don’t let her continue to pull her dramatical ways and yes the belligerant bar staff has really gotten old. I personally can’t see why Jim allows their behaviour as well as letting them drink for free all night long, while they also allow their “favorite” customers to drink for free with them. This place is and always has been bad news and I very much doubt that that is ever going to change.
what a great place to go….lots of fun
Passing through and heard this was the place to go. Was not dissapointed! Thanks for making it a great night Lacey, Cleo, and Rumor!
Hypocrites and Power Trips OH WHEN WILL TRINA QUIT?!?!?!?
Well we started the night here then went to shotguns. That didn’t last long!!! Came back and had a great time!!!
She may be done dancing but I was there last week and she was the bar maid. That can be good or bad. Good because now no one has to watch her shitty attempt to “dance” or see her naked, which isnt very appealing either. However, bad because as a bar maid she has to talk to you to cheak for drink orders, there is no avoiding her now. She needs to just quit all together. Whatever her reasoning is behind the switch everyone knows that 99% of it is just another one of her efforts to draw attention to herself. If she wants people to talk, her quitting would make people definatly talk and capture their attention!
What is up with all dipshits that they allow in this place? Any club i’ve been in drunk rude assholes get thrown out on their ass. Get some real staff!
As a customer,all I can say is I didnt come here to listen to dancers constantly bitch about the other dancers and staff.If they hate this place why dont they just go to Shotguns or something?If things stay like they are now you might end up at Shotguns anyway because I know for a fact,Hammey wont be going anywhere.He was working for Jim when you were still in JR.High.Be grateful you can make the kind of $ you make and dont worry about what the other girls are doing.Customers dont want to hear about the drama in the club.We just come to have a good time and see some tittties!
great place the bouncer and the dj were just as entertaining as the women
This place is super trashy and low-class. There isn’t a proper stage – just a high table where men sit on stools and have women squat in front of them without any (not even underwear) on. The women don’t do any dancing or performing. They just take cash from the patrons and spread their legs in front of their faces. They are within inches of each other. It is incredibly sad. I feel terribly for the women and wonder how this is even legal.
Had a good time dancers were very nice. They could spend some money on the club its self.