10963 Lower Valley Pike, Medway, OH 45341
39.8751887, -84.0209778
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
10am – 7pm
10am – 7pm
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Close this dump.
great club!
I want to give a special thanks out to logan! you was awsome just came from there you might remember me you was the first girl to give me a lap dance. I was there with my stepdad. I just want to say your an amazing person! Thanks for the pic it’s amazing!
This place is not good.
I would skip Jamie and Veronica, lots of better dancers than those two. I agree about Brookly. Cindy, Sasha and Teddy are other good ones. Several decent looking new dancers also, but not quite in the groove yet. Give them a month or two.
The club is fucking awesome.
alot of beautiful girls and good lap dances
Small club, but lots of fun. All the girls were exceptionally nice, not pushy, and cute.
A reasonably priced club, although it needs a lot of work, especially the mens restroom. The dancer quality ranges from mostly 6 through 8, with unfortunately a few 2s or 3s. The dance quality ranges from air to full out grind. Some of the better dancers are Sasha, Cindy and Kylie. The club could do without the Babydoll’s song after every set, with a $20 “gift” dance every three or four sets.
The service of the club is terrible. The management is all family how are you supposed to run a buisness with family issues ? One of the girls is married to the Dj. It is hard to believe that owners of Baby Dolls are the same as Diamonds !!! They need to do something to improve the quality of Skanky dolls. It has nasty walls , pop corn served on coffee filters eww. The whole Facility is a joke. If you value your Health and want Quaility SKIP going to baby dolls.
Wednesday’s no cover. Cheap ass guys who won’t tip the girls. If you tip them a little on stage they will sit with you and you have a pretty good time. Check out Alexia and Cinnamon.
Pole dancers start topless and second song is all nude. Some go for three songs. Lap dances are $20-25 a song and mostly hands off (sad) due to Ohio rules. But, the value is good if the girl is experienced. Medway is close to Dayton.
The girls are not stuck up, funny and give great dances. As for the DJ, what is up with the music? They used to have great music but just came back and half the CRAP played I had never heard. Alot of it was annoying as hell. Babydolls do yourself a favor and get someone who knows what they are doing before this guy drives buisness away!
oh ya
WORST CLUB I’VE EVER BEEN TO!!!COVER: Since Baby Dolls is NUDE, you need to fill out a membership form, provide either your SSN or Driver’s License # and initial about 10 things on the two page membership form prior to getting into this club. Membership on the first day costs $10 and is $5 on subsequent visits. There is a stupid rule that if you don’t come back within 30 days, you have to pay $15 for a membership renewal. DUMB!!!CLUB SETUP: One stage only surrounded by 8 chairs with tables in the background. What I hate about this club is that they leave the stage empty in between sets. Not really managing entertainment very well. Also, came in on a Tuesday (where they have 2 for 1 dances for $25) and had to sit there for about 30 minutes because there was NOONE ON STAGE! All three girls were in the couch rooms giving dances. Fine for the strippers and great for the guys getting dances, but the rest of us are bored out of our minds!CLUB MONEY: Another thing that irritates me about this club is that they give you change in club money. Gave the hostess a $20 for the membership fee and she gave me 10 ONE DOLLAR Baby Dolls club bucks as change. Give me cash you losers!!!GIRLS: Three girls working tonight. A fat girl (I could barely look at her Vag), a skinny ugly girl and another girl that was actually a 7/10. OVERALL: This club needs to manage the stage better or to hire more girls! I talked to another patron and he said that management is pissing off girls by taking a larger cut and increasing house fees. It shows because this place BLOWS!
Way hotter girls than you would expect for the cost of the lap dances. Big fun.
I guess they must be really hired up for money when they are that desperate when they just hire any Moo Moo’s. thats disgusting. If I wanted to watch dirty fat cows dance I would turn on the animal planet at home. I didnt realize it was that bad! Decent girls go somewhere else, U can do it!
Best Club in Ohio.
this is a horrible place to work and play
One of the best.
This place is short on atmosphere and frills. Canned pop and popcorn served in a coffee filter are the menu selections. But there are some pretty good girls. One I remember well is Cinnamon who is tall, thin, cute and friendly. There was one terrific tall black girl whose name I forget. A couple were over the hill but there was plenty of selection on a Saturday nite.
By far the best club in the area.!!!!
Things seem to be getting better. It has a way to go . Enough good dancers worth seeing. Some that shouldn’t be dancing. Inside the building still a dump. Awful Bathrooms. Not enough places to sit.
The girls here are beautiful. It’s the first time threr are no ugly girls at all. There are alot of them to. The ones that really like giving girls dances are veronica, Tiffany and Jamie
I am a long time fan of this club. Its small, but comfortable. I always have a great time. Keep up the good work girls.
Youhave got to be kidding. This place is the dive of all dives
Its hilarious reading these reviews, either its a dump or the best club in Ohio. I guess beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. Im a big fan of this club for a few reasons.
what can I really say.When you charge $9.00 to get into a place smaller than a McDonalds .With customers falling asleep with bare azz pussy on stage .While the Dejay spins music to cry too.I had to take my two balls and my wife to Flamingos so I could get her over her depression!Man she got so happy with in 2 minutes.The gurls started licking her titty bitties!!!That is the fuckn true! So what can I say!!!
Glad that Ron & Karen are gone, personal issues. Where are all the pretty girls? They really need to do a major make-over. They could really make good money if they would just fix the place up and get some decent looking girls.
This palce is bad
WOW! Thats all I can say…
I like it dirty….
i drove 50 miles to this club with 4 buddies. we spend 50 to get in and was discusted by what the “so called dancers” this is the next worst disapointing club i wud rather see my parents doggie stlye then to EVER GO BACK TO THIS NASTY CRACK HOUSE OF A CLUB. PS THE MIDGET STRIPPER LOOKED LIKE CHUCKY
I’m there once a month!
The music is way too loud, my ears were ringing
for days. A good club, but I’m not returning until
you turn down the volume.
they have completely changed everything this place is awesome.
This club has some great girls now. I have to agree that one of th DJ’s is awful. Short dark hair and glasses. The music was so bad the girls couldn’t even dance to the music.
another great night for me and my man
i’ve seen better
The club could use more money put into it but there are a variety of girls and most of them are very beautiful.Veronica,Jamie and Brooklyn are the hottest
Best place to see young totally nude girls usually 12. Three hot, three good, three strange, three fugly. Best value if your not hoping for any contact. Isolated location.
1st club i ever went to. was totally hammered and blew a lot of money. the girls are average. nothing super special. but for the price its totally worth it. For $15 you get a hottie bouncing up and down all over you masturbating in your face. No good food or anything but if you under 21 ur not suppose to be drinking anyways so its not bad. Music is too damn loud. I dont remember any of the girls names because i couldnt hear what they were saying.
Can’t believe the last comment. There are some very good looking girls working now. Either you are a former dancer, or haven’t been there in the last month. There have been great improvements in dancer quality!
Looks like they are under New Management so Hopefully all the comments get better and there is a Really Hot blond “playboy” look alike who I highly recommend “Sexy innocent”
im seeing alot of good changes this place will be back if not way past where it should be please keep up the great work you guys have done so far
The girls quality when way down, and the dances got nasty,
close the PIG HOLE
There have been big improvements here, give it a chance!
i dont know how this place stays in business. a couple decent dancers, but the place is really shady.
My fav is Stacy and Gia! They really know how to make a guy “rise to the occasion!”
alot of nice looking girls the new managment the place is ran alot better
last night i got the best couch dance ever
The girls are beautiful and the lap dances are full contact for only ten dollars. How can you beat that?
The time I went there I swear I should have stayed home! A place is pretty shady when they have tacky 70’s wallpaper (think black and red velour!)on the walls, serve you popcorn in a coffee filter, a woman the size of a linebacker is your waitress, and THE DANCER IS PREGNANT! Though it sucked, it was pretty funny! Even my friend who is quite the strip club conniseur was holding his head and saying “God! What have I done?”
palce is a dump
the club would be the bomb if they get rid of lushus
hell yeah
Very nice club with great people inside.
this place rocks
This club is a waste of your time and money
The girls are sweethearts and great dancers to boot. Since the place has been under new management it’s on the up-and-up. A wide variety of girls – my personal favorites are Kylia and Stacy. Dances only cost $15, but no VIP room. 🙁
Dancers – They have great managers, good floorstaff, and no worries of “favors” or habits here. Super clean, and just recently got a pole in. Have fun!
They used to have several hot dancers, but on a recent weekend trip all were homely and/or overweight. I hope they find some hot dancers, or they will go out of business in no time.
I am moving back into the area and had not been to this club in over 8 years. I think it is one of the best clubs in the Dayton area, Gia is fantastic. A complete turn around from years past.
this club is hot … girls are very frimdly. they made me feel like it was me not my money
Girls asked for tips after being on stage, one drink minimum with no alcohol, and generally very tacky.
This club is one of the worst I have seen. Yes, I have seen worse
I was really sorry I went there.
low class
If it werent for that damn addicting popcorn I’d put up a 10 lol. Girls are great and I always have a good time with them. Dj is good at matching the songs to each girl from what I can tell. Fun times fun times.
Decent club, you can’t beat the price, and the dances are fairly good too. The only negative is the high turnover of dancers the last three months. Still for $10 a song you can’t go wrong.
My favorite place to be
Great experience. Up close to the stage and can see what is going on in the whole club. I didn’t get a dance but the people I saw that did were generally in there for a long time. Girls are nice and not pushy. The smoking deck is shared with the girls, and they hang out and generally don’t act like bitchy strippers. Good experience for the money. Diamonds just isn’t worth it, go here for nude. Only problem is no alcohol, but oh well.
owners fix it up or close it down it is very sad the place you run read the reveiws only cheap losers go there im not coming back!!
The club needs a lot of work it been that same since i first started going there that was over twelve years ago. i dont even like the place anymore. I do like most of the girls. Plese do something with this club!!!!!!!!!make it lively for the girls and there atmosphere
Ciara is the hottest girl ever.
Veronica and jamie and brooklyn are the hottest dancers there and they give the best lap dances. The more dances you get the better they are. Veronica though is not only gorgeous but has a wonderful personality to go with it. Brooklyn is just funny as hell
Not a bad club, but for the price you can’t go too wrong. Some decent grindage with the right dancer. Dancer looks range from waif thin to quite large, and several definitely need to hang up their dancing shoes. Dancers I recommend are Teddy, Nevaeh, and Sasha. Shauna is supposably back, but I haven’t seen her yet, but if she is still here then she also makes the list.
Amazing!! They earned my paycheck!! lol
This club is not for me….
Love this club. Have been going off and on for years and the girls are great.
There are alot of beautiful and friendly womaen there. I would definately come again to see the tall red head with enormous boobs and the really funny one. I think her name is Brooklyn
Oh My God. Awful. This is not the place to fantasize, it’s the place for nightmares. Stayed 10 minutes. The best girl in the joint had c-section scars and a bit of a gut… That was the BEST of the girls.
Fun club, you will have a good time even without drinking.
This club is definitely one for the really dedicated.
It wasn’t for me.