208 North Main Street, Fond du Lac, WI 54935
43.7846504, -88.4473168
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
8am – 8pm
10am – 7pm
10am – 7pm
Is info on this listing outdated? Are you owner of this business? Register and claim it now.
i stopped in and there was a girl that was incredibly gorgeous.i believe her name was ava.guys,you should check her out.
Sucks, what more can be said.
Jeff – you loaned $$ to a stripper. C’mon, by admitting to doing that you are only proving your lack of intelligence. But then again, you also probably think by sticking a buck in a g-string entitles you to sexual favors too.
If this club had a PRIVATE VIP area, it would be awsome. I would have loved some private one-on-one time with some of the dancers, especially Billie. She is HOT, HOT, HOT…
the girls are mostly nice n a few r stunning but the owner gyps them out of money they get back for their drinks
This place used to have some good lookin girls, what happened? Where did all the skanks come from?
Only come here if your only means of transport is walking. You may want to stop at the all-nite laundry mat – better looking girls.
What a fuckin dive. The only place I’ve seen more hookers is on a street corner.
Is Brittany who is now Bailey ever gonna retire? She must be at least 50 already. I here she owes alot of money to alot of guys and shes probably still snorting her shit.
this place is terrible
I stopped in there cause my two female coworkers wanted to take me in there I understand that you need a variety of women but I thought it took that a little too far, there were a couple of girls there that looked really pretty and acted nice but not my preference of ethnicity (I’m not complaining about that) then there was the girls that I couldn’t believe looked like that example of one was the girl looked like she was currently pregnant or just had her baby two days ago and I believe that’s not good, and the dancers were skipping me on tips and asking my lady friends if they would tip.
This place sux, the girls are all old and missing teeth.
last week was the best ass whuppin ever given at a topless bar. too bar we couldn’t have taken our beers out back and watched the action. the house girls that work at this bar are the fucking coolest ever.
angels a fucking whore who cares
Too bright too ugly and too much of wanting money for nothing. Place is just a total ugly scammers hang out. They sgould not have remodeled it. It needed to be torn down.
This place is a sex shop. I have been there three times in two years and got laid twice there. They will rip off your money while it sits on the bar too. Some of the chics bitch at you if you don’t buy them an overpriced drink. But a few are really decent and do not try to steal all your cash. For FDL Wis it is an ok joint.
I hate clubs where the girls are only there for the $$. I go there for the fantasy, so “sell” it to me. There were 5 girls on duty, 2 were money grubbers, 2 were nice but not special, but one girl obviously liked her job. It dosen’t matter to me if it was a good fake or if it was sincere, she did a tremendous job of selling the mood, and as a result, she got more of my $ that the rest combined. Girls, learn from this, no guy goes to a stripclub to see bored girls rolling dice…
I just discovered this club not too long ago- I’ve lived in this area my whole life. It wasn’t until my divorce that I even thought about stopping in. I’m glad that I did, I love the bartenders and I love the hot girls.
I agree with the last comment the cops need to bring their K-9’s in here and close this place down
Is Angel still dancing here? I loaned her $200 a while ago she never did pay me back
I had no idea Fondy had so many crack whores.
Billie does put out just like every other girl here. You morrons believe what you want. This place is just a hang out for whores, prostitudes and drug dealers.
What a dump. Whores galore. Drugs up the ass. Where the hell are the cops? This place needs to be closed down.
glad we stopped in last night. you’re right, all the ‘drama’ on the board brings in new business! I had to stop and check you out, and I’m excited that we did! we WILL be back!
What a hole in the wall could it get any worse then this
I used to like this place in the old days what the hell happened to the good times here?
What a dump needs to be banned from stripping
my review COULD have been better, but this one girl (Ava) was and is horribly rude to the customers. Avoid her at all costs.
I stopped in last Thursday evening and had a great time! I enjoyed Sativa’s company immensely over some. that is one helluva seductive woman, with brains, too! I will be back, and asap!
Under New Management. Place is Back to premium again
I was there Friday night. The girls were hot. To the dancer who asked if i was shy. The answer is no, I am not shy. If you did not notice I was busy talking with Billie. I am not much interested in having your tits in my face after other guys have drooled all over them. Remember it takes 5 or 10 other guys to tip as much as I do. So be nice to me.
I have been coming here on and off for sometime now. You know what I just realized what a waste of time and money this place is. The dancers and bartenders are all overrated and Toni the owner is nothing but a money scalping whore.
Its a shame the only club in town is a dive.
Went there once will never go back.
I had a wonderful time last night watching Tori, Raven, and Billie. I look forward to visiting Fond Du Lac again, I will be sure to stop in! I love you Ladies! See you again soon, but not soon enough!
I don’t know, I checked out the club ratings and I think Saphires is the place to go. OP is a dive.
Two words SHIT HOLE