


241 North 2nd Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55401


44.983449, -93.2714389




8am – 8pm


8am – 8pm


8am – 8pm


8am – 8pm


8am – 8pm


10am – 7pm


10am – 7pm


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0 reviews for “Sexworld

  1. fuckery12

    This place is so damn over the top that it’s great.Whether you’re looking to buy, or looking to laugh until you cry,Sex world is the Sex Bob-OmbYou can see it from a distant,those glowing, flashing, neon light drawn you inlike a lost ship at sea to a lighthouse of safety.Sex World offers a pretty big selection of whatever you’re into.A huge perk is that the staff are friendly and knowledgableand are totally willing to help you with whatever you need.The thing that I always find funny about my visitsis the peep show booths in the back.I have never ventured back there as a paying customer,but I have seen the girls sitting in the glass cubespatiently awaiting their next audience.I’ve seen the girls texting away on their phonesor eating some left over spaghetti that they just heated up.SooooooOOoOooOOooo Sexy. . . . haha:)

  2. Little Bo


  3. rickywho2

    This is the worst place ever. Bad selection. Horrible employees. Over priced. If u want to be treated like crap, come here. I recommend private pleasures in Wisconsin

  4. new guy

    i went in to see Kitty and ya’ll were right she is great!

  5. larry1

    The worst place ever! I bought a stuff from here and it is defective, I call this place right away and ask if I can return this tomorrow, ” the person who ask talked to me on the phone said it has to be daytime (because it’s on Sunday) so I show up at 4:30 pm. To find out that they don’t do any return until Monday, plus I have to come here before 2 PM ON A WEEK DAY! I have work to do, I can’t come here before 2 pm! And the person who work there, a lay with color skin with purpleish long hair is totally rude to me. TOTIALLY DONT RECOMMEND TO COME HERE! Piece of s***t service I have ever experience in my life!

  6. Jesse

    See Jade cute petite Asian

  7. Jen B.

    I have to admit, I haven’t been here in years. However, I can say, in my wilder days, this was a frequent stop after bar close. It was always on our way back since I had a friend that lived a few blocks away. Is there way creepy guys there? Hell yeah. Did we regularly see guys jacking off in the little booths upstairs? Yep! Did we feel the need to shower after leaving? Of course. Yet, what the hell is funner than going upstairs and taking pictures of you and your friends riding the mechanical penis? This is particularly funny at 2:30 am after 10 too many drinks. There never seem to be staff upstairs, which caused us to run amok and try on stripper outfits and harass the dudes rubbing one out. Immature? Completely! Yet, it was deliciously fun!! I think of our Sex World trips as a rite of passage, that I look back fondly at. Oh to be young again!

  8. fu$% sex world

    Who ever is running the dollhouse is a joke you ran off your best girls.

  9. tonycluber

    I was there last week and rode the penis. The store was neat and clean and a very helpful, pleasant staff. I told them they should charge for pictures and rides with the penis. I love it!

  10. plywitmyslf

    SEXWORLD ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. curtis17

    This place is a cesspool of defective garbage, condescending staff, and grossly inflated prices. The selection is oddly limited for a what styles itself as a sexual emporium, and the products are cheap crap. I bought a vibrator and it had RUST on the inside! Unfortunately, the no return policy means that if you shell out $50 for a broken version of something that you can easily find online for $30, you’re stuck with it.Let’s talk about the employees! You’re supposed to come here to buy sex toys, but I find it hard to be comfortable in a place staffed entirely by people who hate their customers. They don’t bother to try and hide it either. The guy behind the counter was rude as fuck. We had the audacity to ask for a bathroom key, and he rolled his eyes and acted like we were ruining his entire life. The guy checking IDs acted like we were trying to pull one over on him, what with us having our ID cards out and being of age and all. This place survives on tourism. If you’re looking for quality sex toys for reasonable prices, and don’t feel like you should get treated like trash by the staff, go literally anywhere else.

  12. eddyL

    where else can you suck on a cherry penis lolly pop, see a peep show, get a realize you are prob in the same building as your high school principal, your grandma, and the neighborhood sex offender??that’s right…sex world!PS. be sure to ride the giant golden penis upstairs and take a picture for this years x-mas card

  13. Brett

    Visited the dollhouse for the 1st time yesterday, pretty cool place got a show from Tasha like you suggested and you all were right, great lady! Very good show! Looking forward to come back and try others. But please try to keep the booths clean, i know it must be hard to keep up with, considering the great amount of men/women that visit there.

  14. ???

    thought there was going to be something done with the crack in the doors

  15. ryan123

    What can I say its a adult shop full of weirdo and perverts and drunks and hipsters has everything all in one building! I like this shop don’t get me wrong I only go at night time weekends maybe after hitting a club or walking late night downtown this shop is more entertaining than shopping for me! I think I have only bought 2 things here which wasn’t worth the money. The staff creeps me out big buff guys I haven’t seen female staff unless there in the showcase showing what they got! I would recommend to go here with a open mind because its loud tvs everywhere showing porn at all times and if you smoke there is a lovely section to buy stuff where you can stash the stuff! Its like a untasteful place I wouldn’t recommend if for couples who are trying to buy or explore new stuff it can get unconfertable when your walking through the toys and movies section seeing someone totally just jacking off! not cuteOH and its 24 HRS for those late night urges! you want something kinky its a great spot to beware parking your on your own

  16. Sexworld

    Jason, you are a troll. Crawl back under your bridge. 0/

  17. Beth F.

    For the love of God, please don’t ask why I was thinking about Sex World on my commute this morning. But I was, hence the update. So anyway, the most socially acceptable time to find oneself in an adult toy store, especially one that’s as dirty as Sex World, is on the eve of your bachelorette party, which was the last time I was here. And that was when I witnessed the most socially unacceptable time to visit an adult toy store. If you and your spouse have just been married and you’re both still dressed to the nines in your wedding finery, just say ‘NO’ to the creepy groomsman who suggests you make a quick pit stop at Sex World before high tailing it to the honeymoon suite. Me and my friends all had eyes as wide as dinner plates as soon as we spotted *that* wedding party. Never mind the Mr. Ed ding dong, the mannequin wearing the pleather assless chaps or the fetish couple with more piercings than Danny Bonaduce has freckles, no, we were far more shocked that a pair of newlyweds had left their reception and headed straight for Sex World. Who does that?!?P.S. No offense intended, but I’m pretty sure they were from Coon Rapids.

  18. Jason the troll

    you must be management? right? i think so, well you still suck!

  19. mathewater12

    It looked huge from the outside but once inside there was not much to it. To call it sex world is an exaggeration. You must have an ID to enter and the person looking at them looked a bit sketchy. There was an area called “doll” something that you had to paid to go into. I think you pay and there are dancers on the other side. Not sure just guessing from seeing the booths in it. I did ride the giant penis. It does kinda jolt you back a little if you aren’t prepare. As for the merchandises, there was nothing special or different from other sex shops. The clothing section didn’t have a lot to offer also. Did they have more dvds then I’ve seen at other places.We did purchase something just to buy. But if you are looking to really shop, I think online is a better option. Go in to ride the giant penis then go about your day. Sounds normal, right?

  20. maxxy1

    I came here for a laugh and came out with a purchase!I am from Chicago and we dont have mechanical penises inside store…none that I’ve heard of at least! I’ve heard a lot about this creation while in college with some Minneapolis natives, so I had to see this with my own eyes when in town!Not only did I see the mechanical penis but I got to see, what I think they call, a doll house, with two not so attractive females dressed in fishnet nothingness… In the back of the store there are also “viewing” rooms.. $6 for a half an hour.. I assume that enough time for a happy ending! (they even provide garbage cans in each of the lockable viewing rooms).. Ok gross! Haha. But sooo amusing..My friend and I walked around the store and loved the variety of things and the fact that things weren’t cheap looking like at other sex stores.They even have an herbal smoker sale section.. Lol…oh and over head TVs showing porn!I ended up buying gummies in the shapes of penises for a souvenir.. It humored me :)I definitely recommend people to come here for their toy, clothes, smoker, sex needs… Or to simply take a peek at the dooollls, viewing rooms and mechanical penis!

  21. Dollhouse

    That problem is being looked into & should be fixed today.

  22. I Say...

    Jenna gives a damn good show

  23. Cannon

    can you say peep show

  24. lovepinktoes

    does miah work at the dollhouse i never see her there anymore shes the best looking girl there i hope you didnt let her go that would be a big mistake. my overall rating for the dollhouse girls miah really hot {10} pandora a little heavy but has the biggest toys you will ever see {6} kitty again put on some weight but still you gotta love those eyes {8} summer bummer {5} jade hot little asian chick {6} tasha a bit old to be working there still {6} marcy i think shes on dope but still young and hot {8}

  25. Jacquelyn C.

    I was in Minneapolis one time visiting my former College roommate and she brought me to Sex World. God, what a hilarious adventure that turned out to be. I rode a giant mechanical penis! How many people can say that in their live time?? Sex world has got it all, and more! If you need gag gifts for a bachelorette party, fuzzy handcuffs, double sided dildos, stripper shoes or just a good laugh seeing what people are purchasing, this is the ultimate place! High five to Sex World!

  26. Shaggy V.

    I went here once to apply for a job. I felt this place was the perfect blend of kitsch and a tinge of naughty fun. Don’t buy into the cleanliness bullcrap. This place is clean and if your shocked by the half naked women in the booths your really in the wrong store…I would definitely go back again it was a fun time and made for interesting stories and conversation.

  27. joseph1k

    I like the idea of Sex World more than I actually like Sex World. I vote yes for a seedy 24 hour palace to buy sex toys and fun novelties, but this place is disappointing. Most recently, I was sad that the second and third floors were closed. This place is small. They also don’t have a very large selection of books, but maybe reading is outside their target market’s norm. I would recommend the Smitten Kitten or online shopping for toys and erotica over Sex World any day. However, if you are on a late night stroll through the Warehouse District, why not stop in and enjoy the naughtiness?

  28. jason

    you suck s/w management

  29. Phillie P.

    This place is awesome.The private booths have saloon doors that don’t go all the way down so you can see peoples feet. Hmmm.. what are they doing? The fact that there is more than one floor makes it pretty awesome. I went a long time ago. A very long time ago and I’m basing my review on that one time.

  30. Joe


  31. Joe smoe

    i really enjoy seeing all the new faces

  32. just 1 man

    Changing the booth set up was possibly the stupidest thing you people could have done! Why would you do such a dumb thing?

  33. Tralyn

    Seen Tasha so happy shes back.

  34. Todd

    go in and see

  35. Mike

    Any of the girls here able to use toys on all of their holes? Been meaning to check it out but looking for both hole bottom action from them.

  36. bigboi

    15 inch dildo’s

  37. Sunny
  38. Kelsey K.

    A lot of variety…a bit sketchy feeling, the girl in the back at 8 am (went with a friend to go shopping for bachelorette gifts) half naked that could be seen from the door was was a bit much. Despite some issues with the place there is something genuinely lovable about a place that provides products that provide pleasure for people or something like that.

  39. Disgusted

    Jason get a life and shut your nasty mouth.

  40. Stephine

    Me and my husband stoped in a couple od nights ago and got a peepshow and had alot of fun. It was a blond girl, never asked her name she worked nights.

  41. Ninja S.

    I don’t even know how to rate this place.It is either a five star or a one star for 24 hour access to peep shows, dvds, a variety of “personal accessories,” and lots of creepy dudes loitering around.Girls laughing about how we should go to sex world after the bars close is usually a fun sounding idea.. until you get there and people get kind of creeped out by the people inside. Kind of throws a wet blanket on the evening after that. You’ll know better for next time.

  42. at fu## Sexworld

    Like who?

  43. Ben

    How do you get away of using the name Thee Dollhouse,

    This is a large chain of upscale clubs

    Im sure they would like to know some low end club

    Is using there name

    I have been to the real Dollhouses and there great

    Not like this little low end club

    A company spends lots of money to protect a name and then some body like you trys to ruin it its not right

    As a busn. man dont steal some body eles name use your own

    And dont rip off cust

  44. XhXeXy

    No matter the time of day or night (though, admittedly, your experience will vary accordingly) you’re guaranteed to find one creepy, lonely, haggard looking guy carefully fondling the asshole hairs of a ‘realistic’ porn star’s butt mold in careful contemplation. “Will these chafe me with overuse?” he may wonder aloud.Keep walking.The long wall in the back houses the ‘safe zone’–a wall cluttered with glittery horse-like cocks, professional bocce ball anal beads and vibrating frustration soothers–where you’ll typically find an audience of obnoxious (but not creepy), giggling packs of young ladies and non-threatening, polite gay men. When you’ve had your fill of the rubber wieners (and the cackling bachelorettes) you may find yourself feeling slightly more comfortable and adventurous. Reign it in and steel yourself to the possibility of seeing your elderly neighbor around the corner before continuing.There are gallon sized jugs of lube for the working adults and lonely teenage boys, porno DVDs of The Simpsons with actors/actresses slathered in yellow paint (who knew Marge had such a nice ass?) and a mechanical penis that lingering around too long will almost invariably earn you the joy of hearing “not the biggest thing you’ll ride tonight” from the same asshole hair fondling gentleman you first met.When you finally realize that your idea of ‘spicing it up’ and ‘having dangerous sex’ really does mean buying a different flavored lube, you’ll bring your sad, vanilla purchase to the front counter. You’ll do everything necessary to not make eye contact as you pretend to frisk yourself for your credit card. Relax. Trust me; they’ve seen worse. Buying lube at a sex shop is as innocent as buying milk at a grocery store.Now go. Go, and explore with your newly found sexual prowess.Or just take a really hot shower as you try to get the images of the glossy-eyed, vacant stares of the glass jungle ladies out of your head.Also, their strap on selection sucks. Sorry, carpet layers.

  45. Riley

    If your lookimg for one hell of a dance make sure to see Riley. She works Sundays, most Mondays, Tuesdays and all day Saturdays. She seems more comfortable being Friendly on Mondays and Saturday nights. Any day she works was always fun though. 1/2 hours make sure to tip $100 before the dance starts and for an hour make sure to tip $200 before haand also. She wont dance with me anymore so I figured I would pass the information on you all of you. You wont be disappointed. The hour will cost you $800 but very much more worth it then half hour for $400. I just wish she would still dance with me. I never left VIP UNSATISFIED. Shes good!!!!!

  46. Twins Fan

    Seen Tasha she is so sweet and adorable too. Nice show.

  47. Prowler

    I love the new variety of girls

  48. Franklyn

    Its too bad I can’t give this place less than one star.Gross.I remember this place being cool when I was younger but wow has that changed. Rude staff. It seems like they only hire people who were fired from their last jobs for attitude problems.Terrible selection of toys and clothing. I understand some people like this place for its novelty and “dancing” ladies but that hardly makes for a good store. They should rename this place Headshopworld as that is what it seems most people were shopping for when I was there. Gross.I’ll never be back.

  49. At Joe

    You can Find “Tasha” Mon, Wed, Thur & Fri Daytime

  50. Jake

    Cant wait to see Tasha tomorrow! Great to hear she is back. Guys,you better see her before she leaves again. She is a genuine sweetheart. Great shows too!

  51. jimbo

    the doors suck the girls suck it all sucks

  52. YES IT DOES!


  53. Steven

    Jenna’s a doll for real. very hot try a show with her

  54. no

    not really

  55. harryharry

    Sex World is okay if you want to buy cheap DVD’s, but they no longer sell cheap incense or Marquis and Heavy Rubber magazines. Maybe they were not selling that well at over $20 each. They also have a good selection of smoking supplies. I agree it’s too bad the upper floors are empty. In addition, I wish they had a section for latex rubber clothing. Can someone open up a pervy clothing store that only sells latex and rubber toys? Let’s get someone to invest in that sort of project please.

  56. agreed

    same thing has happened tome before

  57. AssnTits5

    The only reason I can’t give this place five stars is that the prices are a bit high (maybe that’s just the industry?)Anyway, this is definitely the largest emporium of adult items that I’ve ever experienced. I learned about fetishes I had never even considered. And there’s a huge male reproductive organ that you can ride on. The staff is kinda removed, but I can only imagine what they must put up with. In addition to the adult items, they have a relatively large selection of glass and tobacco smoking-related items.Lots of fun!

  58. Bob
  59. Trever

    This place is really neat i never new we had places like this in mn

  60. JOEL


  61. luvin it

    lots of new faces, enjoy each visit!

  62. Shaun

    Hey seen pandora today. Great show $80 show best show ever.

  63. Alyssa
  64. Jimbo Sucks

    You suck jimbo!

  65. Cow?

    whats up with the cows you have working there? Quite a few wking now.

  66. Driggins
  67. Tim


  68. smartnuff

    This place has only peepshows it is not a dance club like the rest. I was misled thinking it was a danceclub but when I arrived I thought I might as well go for it. The booth had gooey stuff on the seat when I went in and I left right away. My error for going in but that will never happen again

  69. John Redcorn

    you should really do something about the crack in the middle of the door, people can see strait through it. i was in the middle of a show and seen a girl looking at me i wont come back until there is something done about that!

  70. Re: Stephanie

    That was most likely Mia.

  71. Royal

    Miah’s back!

  72. fritter17

    To their benefit, they have a great selection of things to offer, they have a bathroom for the public, and their things are pretty easy to find. They’re open 24 a day, which is way more than I would ask for any business. They have some fun areas that I find amusing. Their things are priced about how I would expect them. Unfortunately, the same positive details can’t always be said about the customer service or the environment. Sometimes, I’ll get a polite person at the cash register. Sometimes, I don’t. The employees are not always great at keeping the store clean. Being it’s a sex-related store, I don’t expect it to look like 5-star hotel. However, they can do a little more with the upkeep. The security is not the greatest.To me, the only times I go here is if I need something there or because my friends are in the mood for their amusing portions.

  73. too many young girls

    Everything is good until you put your money in, then the bad attitudes come out. No reason to be nice once they get your money, see Tasha the young ones are snots.

  74. Tiffy

    r u hiring?

  75. JAMES


  76. Harold

    OMG! I was in town for Business and happened to stop in at what I thought was just just gonna be an adult bookstore and saw they did peepshows in the back of the store. I figured what the hell and saw this girl Kitty and wow what a hottie! I almost dropped dead in there! Super sweet girl too, no game paying at all unlike most girls in that business.I’ll be back when I am in town again.

  77. Lewis


  78. sex world sucks

    Tasha is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!you all suck you suck you suck you suck what the hell is wrong with you people 8 years I’ve been seeing Tasha what the hell happened 8 years that’s not just jacking off that is a friendship you do not usually get with theses ladies you suck you suck sex/w you suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  79. FYI

    It says it’s a peepshow in the info page

  80. Jay

    Pandora’s frickin hot!

  81. Nate

    Stop in sinners for a while, they suggested i go to the dollhouse before i leave so i did, Miah was working {super hot} I got a fully nude show and i left fully satisfied. Worth every dollar. If you haven’t tried this place you should! Just what i needed to end my day after all the lap dances at the strip club. And Miah is alot of fun and super hot!

  82. I say

    Miah gives a damn good show, Just a big Miah fan. Jenna’s OK definitely not Miah. Just my opinion.

  83. Christina H.

    Who wouldn’t visit a place called SEX WORLD on a trip through Minneapolis? Okay, so maybe some would skip this raunchy step but it was an actual destination on my itinerary. I was looking forward the a 3 story sex shop. I was disappointed that the two upper floors were closed for apparent construction. What was up there? I’m assuming more lingerie and bondage items that were glaringly absent on the bottom floor. However, the open floor boasted row after row of porn, silicone dildos, smoking equipment, and “The Dollhouse”.The Dollhouse is a pay as you go strip tease given by girls in clear glass booths. The girls looked incredibly bored and a tad contemptuous sitting in their clear cubes. This place is skanky and sketchy but so goes most porn palaces. And of porn palaces in general, I am a fan.

  84. BBallguy

    They got some good pussy there now. I gotten a hot show from a

    petite redhead named daisy an came back for a second one from

    the sultry nina. i’m gunna blow a load for them all.

  85. Yuk

    this place is nasty

  86. adam

    Kitty gives hot shows.

  87. Christoffer

    I didnt notice the crack in the door

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